About us

As Salamu Alaykum,

Once my brother asked me one question if I was a born again Christian. I didn't know the answer to this question and only my God showed me passages in Bible and I realized that there is the only ONE WAY to our God through faith into His Son, Son of God- Jesus Christ, and by our sincere repentance for all our sins. John 3:16:"For God so loved the world that He gave His ONE and Only SON (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 14:6 Jesus answered,"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” And our God will set us free and all bondages of slavery will be broken and peace of God will fill our hearts.

Here is my testimony:

I am Christian…and …I was not born in a family of Christians..no …by no means…I was born in the soviet time in Kazakhstan in the family of unbelievers. I the soviet time only a limited number of people had a chance to find God in our country.

I was 12 years old when I first asked my mother who was Man hanging on cross…she said that He is God, Jesus Christ. I tried to find out who is He. But my family was unbelievers…no one knew it… My God knew my desire and eagerness to find Him and He came to me…I had read a soviet scientific journal at the age of 12 years where suddenly I found an article: sermon of Jesus Christ on mountain (the New Testament of the Bible). I was just shocked by His words…I re-read it hundreds times…and I was keeping this article for many years. Because when I was reading it, my spirit was calmed down..I just cannt explain why..it was like I was in desert and I was thirsting and His words gave me water to live..My father asked me: why do you read it? Who can understand it? I said: I understand. He said ok, explain what do you understand? And we had a long discussion with him when I tried to say that the 'closed words' are clear to me… Then my brother met some American Christian missionaries here in the Soviet Union and they explained him how he can find God. He bought me Bible and was starting reading the Bible…then brother asked me if I was a born again Christian? I didn’t know answer to this question…In the Bible I found many words how it should be: 1. Though faith in the Son of God Jesus Christ 2.Through repentance of all our sins. I remember how I was crying many times praying my God to forgive me my transgressions and disbelief. And He did it. I felt that I am forgiven. My God knows my name. He knows me personally. My name is written by angels in the Book of Life. And if I will stay with God in this life, He will be with me eternally. He died for me to forgive me. No one did it for me except Him. And I am thankful to Him for that. Salvation of someone by risking own life is the highest love! He has this highest love toward me. Moreover HE IS the HIGHEST LOVE!!!!

Many religions make process to get forgiveness very difficult. Many religions are just writings of evil spirits. Many religions are just result of fevered imagination of people. But in this labyrinth of madness and different beliefs we need to find the one and correct way to heaven. Jesus said that HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE and no one is able to come to God except through Him. We just can believe in it, or not. But in the labyrinth of craziness I prefer this faith, not religion, but faith in Jesus Christ. Because He has the most powerful words I have ever heard…. Words coming so deep into my heart like a sword. I prefer to believe in Him but why? Because He saved me, forgave me, died for me and gave me His Kingdom. No one of prophets did it for me! No one religion is the right way because only Jesus is this way we need and we all are looking for. Only He deserves and worthy that we would hope for Him. Because there is enough madness in this world, I need someone to trust. And I am sure, that on this way with Jesus in the desert of this world, I will find the right way to the KINGDOM of HEAVEN where God will live with us and we will not need any other light…because God will be our Light! God already created a New World for us…where all believers from all nations will bow down their hearts and their knees and praise the ONLY ONE LIVING GOD, not any idols or ideals of crazy people and evil spirits but the Creator of universe. Because only He is worthy to be praised for what He IS. For He loves all of us. He is faithful to us. For His unlimited mercy, grace, and comfort we will praise Him here on earth and eternally in His Kingdom.

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Bahira Omar

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